Jim's Blog page

This is a general blog with quizzes and thoughts

Monday, September 01, 2014

Autumn Quiz

Autumn Quiz
Test your knowledge in our English autumn quiz and find out how much you know about some of English traditions.

What date is Halloween?

Which fruit do we traditionally carve on Halloween?

Which way do we turn the clocks at the end of October?

By what name was Guy Fawkes also known?

How much are passers-by asked to give for a Guy?

In what year did the failed gunpowder plot take place?

Which monarch was the intended target of the gunpowder plot?

The Americans celebrate Thanksgiving in autumn, but when is the holiday held?

Which nation invented the firework?

The record for the largest ever Catherine wheel was set at the annual Our Lady of the Lilies festival in Malta in June 2011. What was the diameter?

Answers next month I hope. Please try it and respond!