Presidential Quiz

1. Which US president's first name was Stephen?
2. Which US president was an orphan by the age of 10 and a millionaire by the time he turned 40?
3. Which US president was not a US citizen when he died?
Answers on January 30! See if you can guess before then!
Ok nobody answered so here it is!
1. Grover Cleveland. He stopped using Stephen in a "search for something more sonorous and distinctive."
2. Herbert Hoover's father died when the future president was six, and his mother died three years later. He was raised by an uncle in Oregon and became a successful mining engineer and millionaire by 40 and president by 54!
3. John Tyler died on Jan 18, 1862 in his native state of VA. During the Civil War VA. was part of the Confederacy of which Tyler was a willing citizen.
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