Washington's afflictions

Which one of the following diseases was George Washington NOT diagnosed with?
Diptheria, malaria, smallpox, tuberculosis, dysentary, conjunctivitis, quinsy, carbuncle, pnuemonia, epiglottitis.
Answer: Conjunctivitis. Washington was sick for much of his life and was especially prone to infections. The smallpox that he contracted when he was 19 left his body scarred for life. Luckily for the emerging nation, Washington remained relatively healthy during the Revolutionary War. In fact, as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army, he insisted that no recruit be allowed to join the army until he'd been vaccinated against smallpox. Even with all his health problems, Washington lived to be 67 years old. He died in 1790 from epiglottitis, an infection of the small tissue flap that plugs the entrance to the lungs during swallowing.
(from Workman Publishing, www.pagaday.com)
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